Basic Setup
Im using a RTL2832 DTV stick attached to a flightaware 1090mhz antena. the stick is connected to a PC Running RTL1090. I am running the Beta Scope edition, which gives a visual indication of flights in the area. RTL1090 runs on the same pc that is connected to my AIS Setup.
RTL1090 broadcasts on port 31001. I connect to it with ModesMixer2 which then feeds adsbexchange and my local applications, including Virtual Radar Server. Sonicgoose has a good tutorial on modesmixer2 setup
VRS is Configured with the Database writer plugin, and writes to a basestation.sqb file. the flights list is based on extracts from VRS.I started with Paul Hills VRS-Flights-DB which is available on Git Hub. (linux users can use a port) this package does two things - first it pulls data from the VRS Database and populates the flight list. It also periodically polls the VRS JSON file to capture invidiual flight tracks.
VRS-Flights-DB is a bare bones implementation, and i have customized it to suit my needs- I changed it it resolves the flight list and associated flight track, as well as tweaked the information it displays. the track map is entirely custom.